
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Cultural Memory and Healing Justice
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Black Queer Feminist cultural/memory worker, curator, and organizer of 30 plus years, Cara Page, join us to talk cultural memory and healing justice.
Cara is one of the architects of the healing justice political strategy, envisioned by many in the US South and deeply rooted in Black Feminist traditions and Southern Black Radical Traditions of the Global South. She is co-founder and current leadership team member of the Kindred Southern Healing Justice Collective. She is also the former ED of The Audre Lorde Project, and former National Coordinator of the Committee on Women, Population & the Environment.
You can learn more about her work at her, Changing Frequencies and Healing Histories on her webpage. Follow her on IG @changingfrequencies.
Learn more about the Kindred Healing Collective on their webpage.
La Cura Podcast is a project of Mijente. Please SUBSCRIBE and RATE us and write us a review! Share this episode with others!
Follow us on IG at @lacurapodcast and @conmijente. You can email us at lacurapodcast@gmail.com, we want to hear from you!

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Capoeira, Spirt and Rebellion
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Jahsun Fakolade Edmonds joins us to share about the spiritual roots of Capoeira and the martial art's connection to Black rebellion and liberation.
Fakokade is a Capoeira practitioner of 20 years. He is also a Professor of Africana Studies at California State University Dominguez Hills and a Babalawo, IFA Priest.
You can learn more about Fakolade on FB under Jahsun Edmonds and on IG under @oluwo_fakolade. Learn more about his IFA Temple, Idin Ka at idinkaaifatemple.com.
La Cura Podcast is a project of Mijente. Please SUBSCRIBE and RATE us and write us a review! Share this episode with others!
Follow us on IG at @lacurapodcast and @conmijente. You can email us at lacurapodcast@gmail.com, we want to hear from you!

Tuesday May 11, 2021
The Power of Water Healing
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Rocio Navarro joins us for a beautiful conversation about the power of water as an element and tool for healing and rebirthing ourselves. Rocio is a healing artist that works intimately and creatively, with water. She is Vaginal Steam Hydrotherapist, Ceremonialist, Spiritual Counselor, Energy and Sound Healer with a Sociology degree/background.
You can learn more about Rocio Navarro by going to her website rocionavarro.org and you can follow her on IG @water_healing.
La Cura Podcast is a project of Mijente. Please SUBSCRIBE and RATE us and write us a review! Share this episode with others!
Follow us on IG at @lacurapodcast and @conmijente. You can email us at lacurapodcast@gmail.com, we want to hear from you!

Tuesday May 04, 2021
La Sabiduria del Cuerpo
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Para nuestro segundo episodio de la temporada en español, nos acompaña Luis Colunga, persona no binaria, antirracista, terapeuta psicocorporal, psicólogo y sexólogo educador. Nos ilumina sobre como la sanación somática y emocional combinado con una perspectiva antirracista y social puede crear espacios de contención y acompañamiento, espacios para poder sentirlo todo.
La Cura Podcast es un proyecto de Mijente. ¡SUSCRÍBETE, CALIFICA y escríbenos una reseña! ¡Comparte este episodio con otros!
Síganos en IG en @lacurapodcast y @conmijente. Puede enviarnos un correo electrónico a lacurapodcast@gmail.com, ¡queremos saber de usted!

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
La Medicina del Reiki
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Episodio en español
Julia Laporte, practicante del Reiki por mas de 25 anos nos acompaña para iluminarnos sobre las raíces, filosofía y practica de esta modalidad de sanación que hoy es tan popular y muchas veces explotada.
Puedes seguir a Julia en las redes sociales bajo Julie Laporte.
La Cura Podcast is a project of Mijente. Please SUBSCRIBE and RATE us and write us a review! Share this episode with others!
Follow us on IG at @lacurapodcast and @conmijente. You can email us at lacurapodcast@gmail.com, we want to hear from you!

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Seeding Afro-Indigenous Sovereignty
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Kiani Conley-Wilson, is a grower, activist, and organizer based in Troy, NY. and Assistant Program Manager of the Soul Fire Farm join us.
Soul Fire Farm is an Afro-Indigenous centered community farm committed to uprooting racism and seeding sovereignty in the food system. They raise and distribute life-giving food as a means to end food apartheid. With deep reverence for the land and wisdom of the ancestors, they work to reclaim their collective right to belong to the earth and to have agency in the food system.
Learn more about the Soul Fire Farm at soulfirefarm.org and follow them on IG at @soulfirefarm
La Cura Podcast is a project of Mijente. Please SUBSCRIBE and RATE us and write us a review! Share this episode with others!
Follow us on IG at @lacurapodcast and @conmijente. You can email us at lacurapodcast@gmail.com, we want to hear from you!

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Decolonizing Yoga
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Speaker, teacher trainer, Yoga culture advocate, and best-selling author Susanna Barkataki shares the roots of yoga and its tradition of social justice and liberation. In the West, Yoga has been commodified, exploited and stripped from its earth based framework and practice. Susanna grounds us in the Yoga earth based philosophical essence and reminds us yoga is for all bodies to restore balance and connection to the elements.
Deepen your understanding and buy Susana Barkataki's book, Embrace Yoga's Roots: Courageous Ways to Deepen Your Practice.
Learn more about Susanna Barkataki at SusannaBarkataki.com
Learn more about Susanna's Ignite Yoga and Wellness Institute.
La Cura Podcast is a project of Mijente. Please SUBSCRIBE and RATE us and write us a review! Share this episode with others!
Follow us on IG at @lacurapodcast and @conmijente. You can email us at lacurapodcast@gmail.com, we want to hear from you!

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Healing Eating Disorders
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Gloria Lucas, Founder of Nalgona Positivity Pride joins us to talk about how the power of healing disorders can be found in deepening our understanding of the intersections of history, capitalism, oppression and trauma. Her work has been featured in NPR, Teen Vogue, MTV, Huffpost, Los Angeles Times, and Bitch Magazine.
You can learn more about Gloria and Nalgona Positivity Pride by visiting their platforms.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nalgonapositivitypride/
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/NalgonaPositiveShop
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nalgonapositivepride
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NalgonaPride
Reach out at npppride@gmail.comw
La Cura Podcast is a project of Mijente. Please SUBSCRIBE and RATE us. Share this episode with others!
Follow us on IG at @lacurapodcast and @mijente. You can email us at lacurapodcast@gmail.com, we want to hear from you!

Decolonizing Latinx Health and Reclaiming Traditional Healing
La Cura will take you on a journey that centers Latinx healing and wellbeing. We will explore what healing is, the possibilities for for it, and engage in conversation with thought leaders, historians, spiritual sages, trauma informed healers, traditional and western medicine practitioners and many more.